Wanting to see if anyone else is experiencing zone issues with their MK2.9 and if you have found a solution.
Issue1: Zone one value seams limited between 0-14, once 15-30 Zone 2 Triggers instead.
Issue2: When struck hard (Wrist stroke) other zones trigger rather than the one hit.
Issue3: I get more Pad range from the centre as i move towards 12 o'clock but still triggers zone2 after val 15 however the value reads 0 and 1 most of the time when theres 5-10mm differences in strike position.
Issue4: Velocity range appears squashed or limited. Viewing the midi meter velocity just jumps around regardless on strike consistency eg 23 45 115 127 at a medium power strike, sometimes more so in other areas of the pad.
Observations: Preference Window Midimeter velocity and zone value don't always correspond with the pad physical pad position, the value is accurate in the Pad interface, which makes me ask if its a MDA file issue/Restriction?
Zone response is improved if i switch off Velocity layers but this also removes MDA functionality such as UDOShake Zone 2 wont shake.
I jump on my Roland and the pad response velocity (curves on or bypassed) reads better but is not a fair comparison.
I have calibrated multiple times. both pads. one pad is a little more trouble some than the other.
I dont recall these issues before packing them in to storage years ago, but i was using Ableton 80% of the time back then.
I have had these for 9 years i think, but were in storage for 6yrs until earlier this year so they have had minimal use.
I'm using a a macbook pro 2.5ghz, 16gb ram 500gbssd on High sierra. Presonus Firestudio sound card. 2m usb cables.
Perhaps its all the gear combined and old age?